BioNetGenLanguage (BNGL) code visualizer


BNGL VISUALIZER BNGL overview Visualization conventions Examples About

What is BNGL?

Rule-based modeling is based on the representation of biological objects (declared as molecules but in fact may be representing any objects from protein domains to humans or ecosystems) as objects with a set of attributes (called sites) that may take a finite number of states.

Molecular interactions are defined as rules for transforming the attributes of these objects. The approach allows one to systematically incorporate site-specific details about protein-protein interactions into a model for the dynamics of a signal-transduction system (e.g. Goldstein et al., 2002, Faeder et al., 2003, Blinov et al., 2006), but the method has other applications as well, such as following the fates of individual carbon atoms in metabolic reactions (Mu et al., 2007), or analysis of phase transition in large molecular assemblies (Chattaraj et al., 2021).

A rule-based models are defined in several languages, such as BioNetGen Language BNGL (Faeder et al., 2009), Kappa Language (Boutillier et al., 2018), ML-rules (Maus et al., 2011), BioCHAM (Calcone et al., 2006). Multiple modeling and simulation tools work with rule-based models, such as BioNetGen (Blinov et al., 2004), KaSim (Boutillier et al., 2018), SmolDyn (Andrews, 2017), VCell (Schaff et al., 2016), NerdSS (Varga et al., 2020), PySB (Lopez et al., 2013), Simmune (Zhang et al., 2013), MolClustPy (Chattaraj et al., 2023). Here, we focus on the easy visual representation of the rule-based model specified in the BioNetGen language (BNGL).


In the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor signaling model (Blinov et al., 2006) there are several molecules. Below we consider in details two: "egf" molecule (ligand) has a single site "r", while "egfr" molecule (receptor) has four sites: "l", "r", "Y1068" and "Y1173". Two last sites can be in two mutually-exclusive states each: either "u" or "p".


In rule-based modeling, like in agent-based modeling, simulations start with the certain set of seed species. Here we describe two: "egf" species is identical to "egf" molecules, but "egfr" species must have states of sites being uniquely defined. In the example below, both "Y1068" and "Y1073" sites have a state "u".


As each species includes all details on levels of protein domains, it often necessary to group species into pools of "observables" having the same features, and count molecules within these pools to compare simulation results with experimental observations. In the example below, the first line defines an observable "dimers" that has two "egfr" molecules connected through "r" sites. Other sites are shown in grey, which means they can be connected in any states (for "Y1068" and "Y1173" sites) or be connected to any other molecules. The second observable "RP1" defines all species that have "egfr" molecule as part of them, with site "Y1068" being phosphorylated, but possibly bound or unbound to other molecules. Notice the first term "Molecules". It means that observable counts all molecules, so the population count of this species is reported multiplied by 2, as it contains two instances of "egfr" molecules. The term "Species" counts this species only once.

Reaction rules

Reaction rules define classes of reactions with the same kinetics, by specifying features of molecules that participate in these reactions. In the example below, "egf" ligand binds to "egfr" molecule via making a bond between "r" site of "egf" and "l" site of "egfr". Interestingly, "r" site of "egfr" is shown in color, indicating that it is important for this interaction. No marks under this site means that it must be unbound for interaction to happen - meaning that "egf" can bind only to monomeric "egfr". All grey sites have no effect on the interaction, so the same kinetics applies whether "egfr" is bound to any other proteins on other sites. The second reaction is dimerization, and the "l" sites of "egfr" molecules must be bound to something. So, combined with the first rule, it means that ligand-bound receptors can dimerize, and kinetics of dimerization does not depend on the state of intracellular sites or on the other molecules bound to "egfr".